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Pet Sitting 

We offer a variety of Pet Sitting Services.  When choosing the best pet sitting service we find its best to stick to the pets routine as best possible.   This will allow us to provide you with the highest quality of services while reducing your pets anxiety while you are away.   


For pets that are anxious while you are away we recommend more visits, longer visits or a combo of both.   


For Pet Sitting we recommend 3-4 visits per day on full days, keeping your pet as close to their normal routine as possible to alleviate stress. 


For Cat Sits and Small Animal Care visits.  We recommend at least one visit per day to check that food and water has not been knocked over,  pet has not trapped themselves in a closet or become stressed from too much alone time, causing illness or injury.   


For all pet sitting services we can add garden watering, bring in mail and packages.  


Each visit will be set up for the needs of the pet to including feedings, medications, fresh water, play, belly rubs, cuddle, watch tv, etc.  



GPS Tracking - See where your sitter and pets adventure, as well

as how far they walk. 

Electronic Journals - Notification that we have completed the visit, complete with GPS map and visit notes.

Communication - Direct communication to your sitter through your schedule and journal. 


Drop In Visits 

15 minute: $25
30 minute: $30
45 minute: $35
60 minute: $40

Additional dogs
 $3.00 per dog each visit.​
Holiday Rates not included. 

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Pet Sitting - 3 - 4 visits per day

3 visits daily per visit price: 
15 minutes - $23 
30 minutes - $28 
45 minutes - $33 
60 minutes - $38

4 visits daily per visit price: 
15 minutes - $21
30 minutes - $26 
45 minute - $31
60 minute - $36 

Additional pets $3.00 per pet each visit.
Holiday Rates not included. 

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Cat Sitting 

1 visit daily per visit price: 

15 minutes - $25 
30 minutes - $30 
45 minutes - $35 
60 minutes - $40

2 visits daily per visit price: 
15 minutes - $23
30 minutes - $28 
45 minute - $33
60 minute - $38 

Additional cats $3.00 per cat each visit.​Holiday Rates not included.


Extended Care Visits 

2 hour visits: $70
2 x 2 hour visits: $130
Additional pets
 $6.00 per pet each visit.​Holiday Rates not included. 


Overnight Pet Care

Overnight:  $150.00 per night 
8 hours of overnight care and a dinner visits between 4-8pm.  
Additional pets
 $15.00 per pet each visit.​
Holiday Rates not included. 

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Small Animal Care 

1 visit daily per visit price: 

15 minutes - $25 
30 minutes - $30 
45 minutes - $35 
60 minutes - $40

2 visits daily per visit price: 
15 minutes - $23
30 minutes - $28 
45 minute - $33
60 minute - $38 

Additional pets $3.00 per pet each visit.​Holiday Rates not included. 

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